Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mothers and sons

My husband has often remembered his mothers cooking with much admiration. Instead of getting upset like a lot of women do, I decided to appreciate my husband's mom by learning all her best dishes when she stayed with us several years ago to ensure that my husband would not miss that taste. His mum was more than happy to teach me all the secrets of her cooking and I was more than willing to learn.

Ladies, don't get upset with your husband appreciating his mum's cooking....remember he grew up with her for several years...she nourised and cherished him and he is a great person today because she instilled great attributes within him, so the next time you meet his mum, appreciate her and thank her for bringing him up so well....learn to appreciate her cooking as well (whatever tastes good or atleast commend her for the effort).

I caught my sons telling their dad (my beloved husband) the other day that if/when they ever left home, they would miss the taste of my food....... I hope their wives will think the way I do....

Who said that Mom- in-laws and daughter-in-laws can't be friends? Ask me.... I'll share the secrets with u.
Everyone is only human...everyone needs love...and understanding!
Love covers over a multitude of sin.

I am so Grateful ...

I woke up this morning with a spring in my step & a song of praise on my lips to my Lord Jesus Christ. You may wonder what special blessings I received this morning....The truth is nothing much changed....the sun rose at more or less the same time, the birds chirped outside my window sill before 6 am in the morning, my dog Shalom still wagged his tail in excitement at seeing me, my tummy hummed inside me for some breakfast...things around me looked the same.... but I just felt so blessed and grateful for everything.

Reminds me of what my dad said while I was growing up 'The best things in life are free'.

So, remember to enjoy the relationships you share, don't take them for granted. Enjoy your good health ..... Enjoy the abundant life that Jesus came into the world to give us.

Decide to have a Blessed day!

Ordinary.... no way... each day is precious and special and will never return back to us once passed. Make the best of it TODAY.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Freedom at last!

I believe that birds were created to fly... not to sit in cages.... and animals were created to freely roam within their surroundings....not to perish in zoos.

I was created to be FREE...

It was for Freedom that Christ has set us longer to be subject to any....yoke of slavery.

I am Free indeed...the day I found Jesus.